Fall – Helpful Tips for Homeowners

landscape design

Of course, the main work on the creation of landscape design on the site takes place in the spring. However, some foundations need to be laid and thought out in the fall. You need to prepare the vegetation that is already in your garden for wintering, put in order the land, structures and equipment. We will tell you about what you can do in the garden in the fall so that in the spring it would be easier for you to realize your wildest dreams of landscape design in it.

Create a project
Don’t have a site improvement project? Without it, your attempts to turn it into a pleasing garden will be difficult. Autumn is the best time to create such a project. Because when all the vegetation blooming in summer has settled and wilted, you can calmly assess the situation on the site, its forms, disadvantages and advantages. In the spring it will be more difficult for you to do this due to the large number of urgent direct work on the ground for planting and care. Therefore, it is better to slowly start drawing up your landscape design project, asking for help from a professional who will have the opportunity to pay a lot of attention to your project and take into account all your desires and capabilities.

Treat plants and soil

Even if you have not planted anything on your site yet, you probably already have some plants from the previous owners on it. These can be fruit trees like apple or plum trees, shrubs, perennial flower gardens. If you intend to keep them, then you need to take care of disease prevention. Experts advise to spray them with fungicides. If this is not done, then in the spring trees and shrubs can suffer from various fungi and diseases.

The same applies to soil. Experienced gardeners apply special fertilizers suitable for autumn to the soil in September or October, they can be purchased in stores. They will prepare plant roots for winter frosts and strengthen their immunity. Therefore, in the spring, plants will not be vulnerable to pests.

Clear foliage from the garden
It is also necessary to clear the area of ​​foliage. If you have already planted a lawn, then after wintering under a thick layer of fallen leaves, bald spots will form on it, and it will turn yellow. Therefore, it is advisable not just to rake the foliage in a heap in the corner of the garden, but to burn or bury it. This is important, since spores of various fungi and larvae of insect pests can persist on foliage. If foliage is left on the site, in the spring the plants and shrubs will again become infected with the same diseases. In addition, by removing the foliage, you will see exactly which parts of the garden need repair and maintenance.

Earthworks and redevelopment

Carry out earthworks and redevelopment of the site

Also, before the start of frost, you can carry out basic earthworks. For example, redevelop the site, lay the main beds, flower beds, clean these places of unnecessary vegetation, uproot unnecessary trees and bushes. You can create a base for an alpine slide, artificial hills, terraces, prepare the ground for planting a lawn in spring. Of course, during the winter the soil will settle slightly, but in the spring it will be much easier and faster for you to start working with the soil and planting plants. In the fall, you can also buy and bring soil and fertilizers.
Carry out earthworks and redevelopment of the site
Already in the fall, you can lay paths, install retaining walls and carry out communications, for example, arrange an automatic irrigation system, which is necessary for irrigating the lawn. This will save you time in the spring, and then by the beginning of May a green lawn may be spread out under your window.

Inspect and repair all structures on the site, small architectural forms, gazebos and so on. If they are not there, then in the fall you can go shopping and find the right ones for your garden. Check the condition of curbs, stones, paving stones, sidewalks. It’s not only about the beauty of these elements, but also about the safety of you and your household. If the paths are not cleaned of dirt and foliage, then the time of frost and thaw can slip on them.

In the fall, it is recommended to prune trees and bushes on the site. So that in the spring they delight you with their healthy appearance, before the temperature drops to minus ten degrees, cut off the excess and dry branches. The main thing is not to do this during severe frosts, because in this case the wood is fragile and brittle, due to cracks the tree may die.

It is also advised to loosen the soil around the trunks at a depth of about twenty centimeters. So you will carry the pests and their larvae into the upper layers of the soil, and they will die from frost.

You also need to protect the bark of trees. To do this, you need to whitewash it. This will relieve the tree from sunburn when the spring sun begins to bake, and from pests. Before you start whitening, clean the trunks of lichen, moss and old bark. You need to cover the trunk with whitewash to the base of the lower branches. And to protect trees from rodents, wrap their trunks with nylon to a height of half a meter.

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